Thursday, November 7, 2013

Riding an Ostrich

You have to do some odd things before you go. Come on, give it a try. It might not be so horrible.

Ok, fine. I've heard riding an ostrich is like riding a pencil-necked, 250-lb chicken. But haven't you always wanted to ride a chicken?

I have absolutely no idea how to sell you on this. Just take my word for it. If you trust me. You probably don't trust me. That's okay. We'll work on that. 

This guy looks like he's having so much fun! (Also, he has a mustache.) 

Anyways, ostrich riding is a little more scary than horse riding. I've ridden a horse and I know they have four legs, a sturdy neck, and a long body. Ostriches don't. But that's the thrill. Doing something you haven't done before. Going out of your comfort zone. 

Apparently, the best place to ride an ostrich is South Africa. That might also be the only place to ride an ostrich. Sorry.

But take a risk. Have fun.

Go ride an ostrich.


  1. didnt you used to be able to do that at the ostrich festival? but then they stopped letting people do that

  2. I can't make any promises I will ride an ostrich before I die but you never know…:)
