Have you seen the movie Brave? The one with Princess Merida?
My favorite part of that movie is seeing her shoot arrows. I mean, it's SOOO cool. Imagine being able to ride horseback and shoot targets backwards. Or vault over a log while releasing a volley of arrows at your attackers.
OK. I have weird ideas. But still.

Doesn't she look independent and brave and sporty and smart and GAHHH.
Archery is also a very different sport. You aren't part of a team (like baseball or basketball or football). You aren't directly fighting somebody else (like fencing, which I do). It's you against yourself. In a way, it reminds me a lot of swimming. While other people might be beside you, they aren't directly involved in your performance.
Archery is also a very old sport. It traces back to the Romans, and the bow and arrow have been the weapon of choice for many civilizations- including the Mongols.

Sorry. That's kind of a BASIS World History joke (my class has problems).
If you live in Arizona and you want to try archery, visit http://archeryhq.com.
It can be dangerous and tiring and frustrating, but then again, so can every other sport.
Archery is an exciting sport that I really want to try before I die.
I love Brave