Sunday, October 20, 2013


Ziplining is a memory I'll never forget, and it is definitely something you need to do. Nothings beats whizzing down a line above treetops, feeling the wind in your face and the clouds in your hands. I myself have only gone twice, but I can definitely say that I'm planning to do it again.

Ziplining does have some age and weight limits, but depending on the course, these limits vary. The only problem with weight is that if you don't weigh enough, you won't have enough momentum to get all the way to the end (this happened to my sister). However, small children can be taken on smaller ziplines, so don't worry about your family.

Now this is biased, but I believe that Costa Rica is one of best places to zipline. It features one of the longest ziplines in the world, and the rainforest coupled with the clouds makes for an amazing experience.

You don't need to travel so far to have a good time, though. Visit for locations near you.


  1. I've never ziplined and am too scared to do it, but someday I'm going to have to get over it, and just do it.

  2. I've wanted to zip line for longer than I can remember but my parents are the scared type so they are too afraid to take me. It seems like a fun experience and i would love to do it sometime soon.

  3. i went ziplining once when i went to india but it wasnt nearly as amazing as im pretty sure it would be if i went somewhere else bc the zipline was like 3 yards long

  4. I've heard that Costa Rica is good too. I would love to do this. What a rush?!

  5. I LOVE ziplining!! You HAVE TO GO sometime!!

  6. Ziplining sounds FUN. I want to try.

  7. I want to go ziplining someday, but it seems a bit scary
