Monday, December 9, 2013

Feed a Giraffe

Just one of those quirky things that need to be done.

Look at it. :) I used to love giraffes when I was younger (idk why). They just fascinated me. With hooves the size of dinner plates, they are some of the only animals who can scare off lions.

You can feed giraffes in a lot of zoos. The PHX Zoo, which is 10 minutes away from my house, has a giraffe-feeding activity where you can give them carrots.

I gave one a carrot and it had a purple tongue and it was all long and tonguey and giraffes

So the next time you go to a zoo, see if they allow you to feed the giraffes.

It's fun. I promise.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Go on A Thousand Dollar Shopping Spree

I've always wanted to blow a ton of money in one shopping trip.

Just one trip though. Cuz a thousand dollars is a lot.

But I really want to go out, probably when I'm older, and buy cute things with my friends.

Top five things to buy include:

1) Shoes. I really like ankle boots right now.

2) Dresses. I want a lot of floral prints, mostly cause they are so changeable-if you pair it with a leather jacket, it can become much edgier.

3) Leather jackets :P. I have a white one, but I want a red one.

4) Jewelry from my favorite books.

The Fault in Our Stars

The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices


5) And finally, I have to buy a vintage watch.

That would probably be the most expensive item.

This is actually something I really want to do because I won't have monetary limits and that's exciting.

Anyways, Black Friday was two days ago and I got red Converse yayyyy